Week Seven- More Models

This week was asset intensive for me. Lots of time in Maya and Photoshop, getting my hands dirty making the physical pieces of the game. I enjoy this part more once I have the bare bones of a model started. I have the same problem with an empty page when I have to write. It’s difficult to know where to start, but once you get passed that, the rest is smooth sailing.

I wanted to take a break from texturing and start on another model. The sandbox is fairly simple: four wooden boards nailed together with four plastic seats in the corner. I used this sandbox as an example.

Reference for the Sandbox

Since our characters in the game are younger children, I decided to make the seats more colorful. Kids’ stuff uses bright primary colors, and I wanted to showcase that here.

The model itself was very easy. The boards are simple polygons, and I used the same method to create the seats that I did to create the corners for the base of the gazebo. A little smoothing and beveling on the seats made them look more plastic. A flattened section of a sphere makes simple nail fasteners.

The sand plane was probably the most difficult part of this model. I wanted it to have enough change in elevations, but not look awkward. Lots of face cuts and mesh smoothing helped me to achieve the final look.


Sandbox Model – Wireframe


Sandbox Model – Shaded


Sandbox Model – Wireframe on Shaded


Since the sandbox had very simple geometry, I wanted to finish off the model completely. The UV’s were fairly simple, as was the texture.


Sandbox Model – UV Snapshot


Sandbox Textured Model

Sandbox Model – Textured

I’m fairly happy with how this one turned out.

The shed was my next item of concern. The old model I was using had issues with backface culling on the roof. That was a simple fix with extruding another edge to create a new plane to sew up the inside of the roof. Since this model was already UV’d, I didn’t have to face that arduous task again. I opted for a concrete structure with a weathered shingled roof.

Shed Model - Textured

Shed Model – Textured

The final model for this week was the inflatable kiddie pool.

Reference for Pool Model


This one was very easy. Stacked torus rings achieved the look I wanted, and since the rings were a solid color, I played with the colors in Maya until I got the look I wanted.

Pool Model - Textured

Pool Model – Textured

I may go back and adjust the colors, to make them more saturated than pastel, and possibly look into a way to achieve a better plastic look.

Three structures and one trap down!


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